Why Strip Till

Healthy plant growth and maximum maize yields require the efficient use of liquid manure in compliance with current fertilizer regulations.

This is neither a contradiction nor a disadvantage for agriculture. With the optimum placement of a strip-till slurry belt, you can get the nutrients to where they are needed during the entire growth phase. Our Strip T(F)ill brochure describes in detail the complex problems that arise when slurry is used inappropriately.

Interesting facts about depot fertilization

User Strip Till videos on YouTube (In German)

Corn experiment a complete success!!! - My KuhTube

Oilseed rape sown in single grain at 50 cm after Strip Till. Previous crop grass. Farmer in MV on Youtube Vlog#92,93 AKF 10/2021

Strip Till liquid manure fertilization - practical experience LWA Fachschule Biberach

Strip Till on/after field grass

Plant nutrition (In German)

This factor is STRONGLY UNDERESTIMATED! So plants don't get sick

Common fertilization mistakes that almost nobody knows about - Saving water with fertilization

Influence of fertilization on pest infestation in crop production


Our team will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with personal and individual advice on our agricultural machinery. Visit our showroom in Rheine for more information. We look forward to hearing from you. Let's shape the future together!

VOLMER Agritec GmbH
Lingener Damm 229
48429 Rheine