PLÆNTY 3000 fertilizer/seed wagon

The PLÆNTY 3000 seed wagon turns implements into powerful trailed machines with a large hopper capacity for fertilizer and/or seed. However, all conceivable soil tillage implements can also be attached, for example for sowing catch crops or creating mineral fertilizer depots.
The drawbar pivot point is offset to the rear, making the combination extremely maneuverable.
The top cylinder fitted as standard on the drawbar (see above) ensures sufficient drawbar load on the towing vehicle, even with heavy implements.

The PLÆNTY 3000 on Youtube


To the VOLMER-Agritec Youtube channel

The PLÆNTY 3000 with GRANU-Inject

Technical data

All data of the PLÆNTY 3000 seed wagon at a glance


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Lingener Damm 229
48429 Rheine